// we don't look / like pages from a magazine / but that's all right // let's do it all imperfectly //

martes, junio 13, 2006

El Sopor

Iso é todo o que sinto nestes momentos.


Claro que a culpa é miña por ignorar ao despertador despois dunha ben merecida* sesta que acabou durando dúas horas. Estoume tomando moi a peito as tardes pseudo-sabáticas que me regalei para o que queda do mes de xuño.

No entanto, limpar é un must.

De mañá, se cadra.

Se o tempo anima máis, tamén. Porque hoxe no CUVI houbo monzón. Sen esaxerar. Ao anunciarse tormenta eu xa contaba cunha coma a de Cervo do venres: xarreada de auga e logo volta á normalidade.
Pero non. Aquí cando chove, chove. E venta, para que chova en horizontal.


Para que estenderse máis se os folgos mo impiden?

Vou cocer merluza.

Apertas partout.

Are you changing, are you changing, are you changing.
Do you know it, do you feel it, do you know it.
But you're waiting, why're you waiting, why're you waiting.
Just do it, whatever it is.
There are secrets, there are secrets, there are secrets.
There are places, there are places, you can go to
they might tell you, yeah they'll tell you, that you shouldn't
just do it, whatever it is, whatever it is,
just do it, whatever it is, whatever it is,
go do it, whatever it is, whatever it is,just do it, whatever it is.

Whatever it is -- Ben Lee

"I can’t help but to immediately begin to shape sentences when I see something amazing. It’s my way of feeling like I’m actually standing or lying here with someone. It’s always been my best friend and counselor. It’s the reason that I’ll probably be single for the rest of my day, the reason that I eat ice cream twice in the average night, and it’s how I celebrate every aspect of my spiritual self. This is the reason I am on this adventure" Jason Mraz, Journal**

* Sempre a adxectivo igual, non si?
** Quen me regala a este home polo cumple?